3 star hotel
Giulianova Lido

Address: Via Thaon de Revel, 60 - 64021 Giulianova Lido (Te)    Tel.: +39.085.8008758

The Abruzzi Land

Abruzzo’s 130 kilometres of coastline, the tallest Apenine peaks soaring sheer above the sea, a boundless system of intramountain plateaux, three large National Parks and Regional Park, not to mention over 30 Nature Reserves, are the perfect scenario for those who prefer an active holyday, where sport and movement are not only the end, but also the means for enjoying the extraordinary environmental resources of this region.

If the truth be told, from the coast to the mountains there is no lack of choice, because Abruzzo destinations offers countless possibilities for spending free time immersed in nature and for doing what we like best.

The almost unique aspect of this region is actually the way it encapsulates in what is not a particularly big territory, a system of very varied milieus, composing an anthology of the entire Italian landscape: ranging from typically Mediterranean marine and Coastal habitats ( with pine groves and coastal woods, dunes and cliffs, vast beaches and isolated coves) to what can only be called the alpine mountainscapes ( including the tallest peaks of the Apennine), with a middle area of compacts hills tidily furrowed by valleys, boasting a fine agricultural countryside dotted with tiny towns, and rising fast towards the mounts.

The complex mountains system, comprising three great massifs, tall rocky peaks, vast plateaux and wooden crests, gazes across the Adriatic like soma magical balcony: the sea is in the air even on the highest peaks, and is clearly visible just a few kilometres away, as the crows flies.

If you feel so inclined, a stroll through the mountains in the morning, can be followed by a swim in the sea during the afternoon, and the day can close with a starlit dinner out in the countryside.

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